Sunday, March 16, 2008

playing god, playing favorites

back to Norwich- his equation says nothing about people BELIEVING they know, and/or people who wish to CONTROL, people who are tremendously afraid, paranoid and/or suspicious, of persecution, or people who prefer TO NOT LEARN.

The last catagory, surprises me the most sometimes. If folks have learned to survive using mental/emotional crutches, placebo addicts, then discovering alternative approaches may seem destabilizing.

A quite serious born again Christian I know, once told me that Jesus wasn't Jewish. Jesus's having been Jewish was propoganda created by Jews, Gays and Blacks, they said. I'm not Jewish, gay or black, but in this person's mind, apparently I'd fallen susceptible to mind manipulation by them, because I hadn't become born again! I said, " Ask anyone! Ask any priest, rabbi, imam etc. I'm not making it up!" This person was dead set against learning a fact that might destabilize what they felt they needed to believe, for whatever reason; in this case, for the wellbeing of their survival. I shut up...I hardly need to convince people. I'm not a professional assigned to help rehabilitate people against their will. Quite possibly, that born again's survival was influenced by being born again- THAT way... Other born agains I've met, don't have probs with Jesus's Hebrew origins. God knows, I didn't send her a Martin Buber book for Christmas.

My 40 year dream research, of all things, helps me. What I discovered quite early on was that, so far, no one knows what dreams ARE exactly. I brought this up to Russell Targ, during a bus ride through Rome. He responded that there are many types of dreaming, and I agree with him. Ahhhhh....sacred flexibility...

I prefer sacred flexibility to sacred wobbling. People presenting things they choose to believe as knowledge. People handing their crutches to others. People who say one thing publicly and the contrary, privately.

My ole friend Roz Rezebek Wright once had a business card that said " Roz is my name, hypocrisy is my game."
That may have been when my intro to learning that some folks can consider hypocrisy a kinda cool approach. Somehow the thought dawned on me that the problem with pointing the finger at hypocrisy, is that hypocrisy, true to itself, will inevitably point back.

People wake from nightmares, and realize they were dreaming, when they're ready.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

' Diving for pearls' ( great Elvis Costello title)

Amazing what the mind does or can do.
A mystic, Julian of Norwich, perceived the Holy Trinity as composed of; I CAN ( the father ), I KNOW ( the son), and I DESIRE
( the holy ghost/spirit ).
Take any one or two of those elements, but not all three, and YOU WON'T.
Not difficult math; You can, and you know it, but you don't desire to=you won't, You know something, desire something but can't do something= you won't, and/or lastly you can do something, you desire to, but you don't know it= you won't.

I can shop for shoes, I know my shoe size and desire a new pair of walking shoes since my older pairs, probably no longer meet my needs, as I perceive them. That all happens, no matter how other people perceive their own feet.

Improbable that their shoes will fit me, which using one's brain, might be comprehended as well, unlikely that I'll be deviating and scheming to steal their shoes, unless unless unless anyone chooses to simply assume or be afraid that I'm sooooo desperate that I can't afford a pair of shoes. Their fear can be based on an almost infinite quantity of excuses..guilt, blindness, risk of persecution, etc etc etc... People can go ahead and choose to believe that I can't buy a pair of shoes, even if they are mistaken, and I can.

Sometimes people ARE mistaken, but that hardly influences at all, my bare feet or new shoes.