Saturday, March 15, 2008

' Diving for pearls' ( great Elvis Costello title)

Amazing what the mind does or can do.
A mystic, Julian of Norwich, perceived the Holy Trinity as composed of; I CAN ( the father ), I KNOW ( the son), and I DESIRE
( the holy ghost/spirit ).
Take any one or two of those elements, but not all three, and YOU WON'T.
Not difficult math; You can, and you know it, but you don't desire to=you won't, You know something, desire something but can't do something= you won't, and/or lastly you can do something, you desire to, but you don't know it= you won't.

I can shop for shoes, I know my shoe size and desire a new pair of walking shoes since my older pairs, probably no longer meet my needs, as I perceive them. That all happens, no matter how other people perceive their own feet.

Improbable that their shoes will fit me, which using one's brain, might be comprehended as well, unlikely that I'll be deviating and scheming to steal their shoes, unless unless unless anyone chooses to simply assume or be afraid that I'm sooooo desperate that I can't afford a pair of shoes. Their fear can be based on an almost infinite quantity of excuses..guilt, blindness, risk of persecution, etc etc etc... People can go ahead and choose to believe that I can't buy a pair of shoes, even if they are mistaken, and I can.

Sometimes people ARE mistaken, but that hardly influences at all, my bare feet or new shoes.

1 comment:

Underblog said...

I believe the name of the song is "Shipbuilding". And it is a great tune.